You’ve probably heard a lot about solar power, and we’re willing to bet not all of it was true. We’ll break down some common misconceptions about switching to solar energyso that you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you.
You Need the Sun
This misconception is understandable—how can you generate solar power without the sun? While solar panels work best with sunshine, they can still generate energy on cloudy days. That’s because the panels collect visible light, and there’s still light in stormy weather! A cloudy day doesn’t mean a blackout.
You Need a Warm Climate
Many people associate warm climates with brighter days, but the sun can shine as brightly in Florida as it does in North Dakota. Interestingly enough, solar panel conductivity is actually higher in cooler weather. While the sun may be hotter down south, solar panels generate even more energy in colder climates.
Solar Isn’t Worth It
Make no mistake: solar panels are an expensive investment. The up-front cost is enough to scare many people off, but they probably haven’t heard how much they’ll save on their monthly energy bill. Many people completely negate their monthly energy spending (depending on their location and how much energy they use), and some people produce enough power to sell back some energy to the grid.
Plus, solar panels are more affordable than ever before, having dropped over 70 percent in price per kilowatt and installation since 2009. While most homeowners have made their money back in less than a decade, there are other ways you can live a sustainable lifestyle without solar panels if the investment is too much.
Panels Cause Roof Damage
When you have a professional install your solar panels, your roof has nothing to worry about. In the years since solar panels first came to the market, installation professionals have perfected the process, so it’s easy and safe for your roof and home.
Now that you know these common misconceptions about switching to solar energy, consider making the investment, and start enjoying instant savings!